New Kitten Checklist: 10+ Things to Buy in First Days

You need to prepare a kitten stuff in your home in advance. This is a living creature for which you are now responsible. It is important to buy everything in advance so that the kitten will not need anything and will feel safe and comfortable in your home.

In this article we will tell you what do you need to buy for the kitten at first, what accessories and care items may be needed in the future.

A new kitten checklist: how to prepare the house

  1. Take care of safety. Kittens are energetic and very curious. To make sure your baby’s life in his new home runs smoothly, look around from the kitten’s point of view. Cover windows, vents, nooks and crannies. Remove out of reach: electrical wires, cords from curtains, all objects that could injure the animal.
  2. Prepare a quiet place. To get your new pet used to its surroundings, set up a secluded area that is off-limits to small children and other pets. This “safety zone” will help the baby get to know his owners and get used to the sounds and smells of the new environment.

Kitten essentials: what you need to buy [list]

new kitten checklist

To make sure you don’t forget anything, make a kitten stuff checklist.

Include the essentials you need to buy before the kitten arrives at home. This will help you get ready to welcome your new friend and family member.

Kitten supplies list:

  • A cat bed or cat house. The new pet should have its own place to sleep and rest.
  • Kitten food. Choose special brands for kittens. The best kitten food is the food the previous owners fed your kitten.
  • Bowls. Two bowls are needed: one for food and one for water. Choose shallow ceramic or stainless steel bowls.
  • Cat litter box and filler for the cat’s litter box. For babies, there are special models of litter trays with low sides. Choose the filler for the first time, which was used by the previous owners.
  • Cat litter box scoop. Sometimes cat litter shovels come with litter boxes.
  • Scratching post. From the first days of life in the house you need to train the kitten to sharpen its claws in a specially designated place.
  • Toys. Energetic toddlers love to chase teasing rods with feathers or pompoms, play with “mice” and balls.

These are the basic things your baby will need from the first day of life in your home. These should be prepared before picking up the kitten. All other accessories and care items can be bought for the cat later on as needed.

Basic Kitten Stuff

The basic needs of a kitten are eating, toileting, sleeping, playing, petting, and attention. The owner must prepare everything to provide those natural needs, so that the baby’s life in his new home will be comfortable, quiet and happy.


what do you need for a kitten

To feed a kitten you will need: utensils and special food.

Ware and accessories:

  • water bowl;
  • feed bowls;
  • mat under the bowls (plastic, silicone or rubberized).

How to choose feeding accessories:

  • If your pet is on a mixed diet (dry, wet food), you will need two bowls for food and one (larger) bowl for water.
  • Do not use matching bowls, choose separate bowls, as they are easier to keep clean.
  • Choose bowls made of ceramic, porcelain or stainless steel. Plastic models actively carry bacteria, and plastic emits harmful substances.
  • When buying a metal model, give preference to bowls with a rubberized base – they do not slip on the floor.
  • Not all cats enjoy pedestal bowls, and kittens are uncomfortable eating out of them.
  • Avoid buying too deep and too shallow bowls, choose a medium size.
  • Purchase a special mat for the kitty’s feeding area to make it easier to keep the area clean.

Feed kittens with natural food or ready-made commercial food. Choose at least super-premium brands marked “kitten” designed for ages 0-12 months. Food for growing kittens should be nutritious, easily digestible and contain the right amount of protein.

First, feed a kitten the same way the breeder or previous owners did. Do not buy cat food in large quantities, the kitten may not like the type or brand of food. If necessary, gradually switch to a different type of food (wet, dry) or brand of commercial food. The youngest kittens are given either wet food or dry pellets soaked in water.

Toilet and hygiene

kitten supplies list

To quickly get the kitten accustomed to the litter box in the new home, you need to prepare and buy the right accessories for the cat’s litter box. Kittens absorb cleanliness with their mother’s milk, which is why it is so important to keep the cat’s litter box clean.

To do so, you need to buy:

  1. Cat litter box. For the smallest ones, models with low sides or special small litter boxes for kittens are suitable. If you have purchased an “adult litter box”, you should remove the lid or the edge for the first time.
  2. Filler for the cat litter box. For toilet training in the new home, use the same type of litter as the previous owners do. Modern types (mineral, silica gel, wood) are economical and well-butts out unpleasant odors. If the baby refuses to go to any type of litter and continues to crap everywhere, change the type and brand. Stray kittens picked up on the street get used to mineral litter faster, it smells like earth.
  3. Cat litter scoop. Depending on the type of litter you use, choose a scoop with or without a grid.
  4. Litter mat. A handy accessory to keep your apartment clean.
  5. Toilet training spray. The product helps to accustom the kitten to go to the litter box.
  6. Cleaners and urine odor removers. Choose products without harsh chemicals.

Wash the litter box and scoop daily to stop the growth of harmful bacteria and prevent unpleasant odors.

Kitten Care Accessories

things you need for a kitten

Cats are naturally prudent, but that doesn’t mean that owners may not take care of them. It is necessary to accustom the kitten to hygienic procedures from the first day of life in the new home.

As soon as you get a new pet in the house, you buy your own grooming supplies for the kitten. Your hairbrush, shampoo, and toothbrush will not work for your kitten.

What to buy for fur care:

  • Brush, comb. Depending on the type of coat (length, thickness, undercoat) you will need all these things or one of them. For some cat breeds, such as British Shorthair, a rubber brush or a massage mitt will work.
  • Fluffer. Needed for cats who suffer from tangles.
  • Trimmer or Furminator. Needed during shedding for some cat breeds.
  • Shampoo for kittens. Special veterinary brands of shampoo are used to bathe kittens.

For claw and tooth care:

  • Claw trimmer. Claws should be trimmed regularly, several times a month. This should be done carefully so as not to hurt the animal. This procedure is taught from an early age.
  • Veterinary toothbrush.
  • Pet-safe toothpaste or mouth spray.

The type of grooming tool you choose depends on the length and texture of your kitty’s coat. Ask your vet or groomer to recommend what works best for you.

A place for sleep

what do i need for a kitten

little kitten who has just been separated from her mother cat and her littermates is unaccustomed and frightened of being in a new place. A personal home, a crib or a comfortable cot with toe boards can help it cope with its fears. The baby needs its own warm and safe place where it can rest, sleep and hide.

During the first months of life, kittens spend a lot of time sleeping. They sleep 16-20 hours a day. Therefore, it is important that the cat has a comfortable place for its daytime rest and nighttime sleep. The bed should be soft and warm, and preferably it should have high bounds or a roof, so that the kitten can hide. This way it will feel more comfortable and protected.

To keep your cat’s cot or bed clean, choose models that are easy to clean. It is best to buy a cat bed with removable mattresses or textile covers, which are washable.

Don’t spend money on fancy wicker baskets or plush houses until you know your kitten’s preferences. For the first time, you can make the bed and house with your own materials.

Health and wellness

Don’t put off your first visit to the vet. Your pet should have a vet exam within the first week of living in his new home. The vet will examine your baby to see if it is in good health. He will make a vaccination schedule and get a veterinary passport if the previous owners haven’t done so.

If your kitten needs treatment for external and internal parasites, you will have to buy antiparasitic products. The doctor will tell you which are best for kittens. Your kitten may need a special diet, so you will need to buy veterinary therapeutic food.

To care for your pet you will also need:

  • ear cleaners;
  • eye care lotion;
  • vitamins and mineral complexes;
  • malt pastes for hair removal.

Toys and play sets for kittens

what to buy for new kitten

For normal physical and mental development of a kitten, he must play a lot. Play is an essential part of a young animal’s life. To play, the baby needs a companion and a variety of toys. If the kitten is the only pet in the house, the role of a play companion should be assumed by the owner.

Baby kittens are very energetic; if this energy is not directed in the right way, it can be destructive. Young pets need active daily interaction with humans and their fellows. This is how they learn the world, grow and develop. It is unacceptable to leave small kittens for a long time. Loneliness, lack of attention traumatizes the immature psyche of an animal, and kittens become wild.

Kittens will need toys to play with. Choose toys that will be fun and safe for the animal to enjoy playing with. You can make cat toys with your own hands from hand-made materials or buy them in a pet store.

For the littlest ones suit:

  • balls;
  • teasing rods;
  • mices.

Not all toys can be left for the kitten to play on his own, he may get tangled, hurt himself or try to eat small parts.

Scratching Posts

bringing home a kitten checklist

A scratching post is another thing that should appear in the house at the same time with the arrival of the kitten. Do not wait until the baby grows up to familiarize him with this device and teach him to claw in a specially designated place. While you wait, your wallpaper, curtains, furniture and other furnishings suffer. Cats use the scratching post to stretch to their full length, clean their claws of dead scales and mark their territory with their scent. This is a natural behavior that helps the cat relax.

Sturdy, stable scratching post is suitable for kittens. The height of the product should be such that the baby can stretch to its full length. To protect your property from the encroachment of cats’ claws, buy several different posts and place them around the house.

Accessories for transportation and walking

If you are not planning to travel with your pet, you will need a comfortable and safe cat carrier to transport your pet to the veterinary clinic. You can buy a cat carrier right away to take your kitten to its new home or purchase one when you need to transport your pet.

Carrier bags come in two varieties:

  1. Soft.
  2. Rigid plastic or metal.

Rigid models will be needed for those who plan to travel by air with pets, a requirement of carriage regulations. For travel in a car, such models are also safer. Soft fabric bags are convenient for walking, transporting cats by public transport.

Some cat breeds (Bengal, Abyssinian) like to walk on a leash or harness. If you plan to walk outside, get a comfortable harness for your cat’s size.

What useful kitten stuff you can buy

These things are not included in the list of “kitten essentials”, you can buy them a little later or do without them at all. But many of the accessories on this list will help make caring for your kitten easier, make his and yours life more comfortable, safer, and more interesting.

The “second bringing home a kitten checklist”:

  • Mats for cats. Needed for kitty to sleep and rest, if he does not like to sleep in houses and cots.
  • A collar with an ID tag – will help find your pet if he accidentally runs away from home or gets lost.
  • Automatic feeder – solves the problem of feeding when you’re away.
  • Auto-drinker – meets the needs of animals who prefer to drink running water.
  • Game tunnels – help keep cat occupied while you’re away.
  • Veterinary collar – the device is useful for applying anti-parasitic drops on the kitten’s withers.
  • Cat treats – used to encourage the pet during training, strengthen the bond with the kitten.
  • Anti-scratchers – claw pads save furniture and textiles from getting snagged.
  • Cat Clothes – needed for walking short-haired and “bald” cat breeds.
  • Cat hammocks are a handy device for comfortably accommodating a cat.

Don’t forget the cleaning accessories: paper and cloths, disinfectants and stain, and also – odor removers.

Remember, by deciding what the kitten needs first, you can make the kitten’s life more comfortable in the new home, as well as save you time and nerves in the future.

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