30+ Long Haired Cat Breeds (Pictures + Descriptions)

The long haired cat is a phenomenon! It was presented to pampered Europe in the 16th century by the aristocrat Pietro della Valle. The famous traveler took a pair of long-haired beauties from Persia and presented them to the Pope. The Supreme Pontiff was the first to fall under the Persian charm, and the rest of the Italians followed. Then the French.

Historically, eastern beauties immediately fell under the patronage of the nobility. And if in Italy long haired cat breeds conquered the Pope, in France they lived at the court of Cardinal Richelieu. Oh, how many little and big secrets of the world behind the scenes have seen cats with long hair! But cat breeds with long hair are not distinguished by chattiness. The domestic noble cat remains a reliable guardian of secrets.

At the same time, many people say that domestic long haired cats are much more affectionate than their short-haired friends. They are literally created for the apartment or house, but in their affections, however, the first place is given to people. For children, and for adults, longhaired cats are the perfect companions!

The main long-haired cat representatives, we will describe in this post.

Long-haired cat breeds with pictures and descriptions

Persian Cat

long haired cat breeds

Yes, the baby-muzzle and the cloud of magical hair simply made the world community fall in love with it. Years later we can say that breeders have done a lot to improve the appearance of Persians. Today, the Persian is one of the most popular of all feline breeds due to its exceptional beauty, kind temperament and easy-going disposition.

Nowadays, Persians can be colored in a hundred (!) different colors. Gray, white, black, red, purple Persian is no longer a surprise, the main thing is that the coat itself has a thick, long, fine silky structure.

long haired kittens

Kurilian Bobtail

long haired cats

This “domesticated lynx” was bred recently – only in 1995 the standard for this breed was accepted. Short-tailed Siberian cats come in two types. One variation belongs to the semi-long-haired cat breed and the other to the short-haired cat breed.

Representatives of this breed are not large animals, the main visual advantage of which is a short pompon tail, the maximum length of 13 cm.

Maine Coon

No picture of a Maine Coon cat captures its… magnitude. They are not just cats, they are very big cats. The total length of the kitty, from nose bridge to the tip of the tail can reach 135 cm, and height at withers – 45 cm!

And the most interesting thing is that this breed hasn’t been touched by breeders’ technologies – Maine Coons are absolutely aboriginal cats living in the state of Men, in North America. Harsh winters gave birth to a harsh cat. But the harshness of Maine Coon cats is only external and fans of the breed know it well.

long hair cat breeds

Neva Masquerade Cat

long haired cat

No one knows the history of this breed, but it is believed that it was bred by Russian breeders. The Neva beauty is distinguished by its pointed coat color and bright blue eyes. And it received the name for the masquerade outfit – a mask and gloves. Madam, are you going to the ball?

Norwegian Forest Cat

domestic long-haired cat

In your opinion, who accompanied Scandinavian Thor during his adventures? You’re right, the cat! It never left Freya and therefore often turned out to be the protagonist of myths and legends of Nordic people. As a matter of fact nobody ever took it for a pedigree cat, although the famous naturalist Frinks in 1599 was interested in the Norwegian one. Well-deserved fame overtook the Norwegian Wildcat in 1938.

domestic long hair cat

Birman Cat

long-haired cat breeds

The Sacred Cat of Birma combines the aesthetics of the Persian, the grace of the Siamese and its own charm. The latter is made up of symmetrical spots on the pelt, snow-white gloves and a peculiar silky coat. Connoisseurs believe that this breed can be called a masterpiece of breeding work! By the way, according to the legend, the coat, sapphire eyes and gloves are the signs of the sanctity of this cat. So, give the Birma its food with all due respect!

Siberian Cat

long hair cat

The origins of the Siberian cat are covered with a mystery. It is unlikely that the Siberian cat is of Russian origin, as many believe. Most likely, the ancestors of the Siberian cat are wild cats of the Trans-Ural. This breed belongs, rather, to the semi-long-haired. Wool, by the feeling, is rather stiff, but, surprisingly, it almost never causes allergies.

long-haired cats

Somali Cat

long hair cats

This cat is more active than any other. Lying on the couch? Purr on your lap? That’s not our way! Attack! There’s so much to see and do in a human’s home that a Somali just can’t sit still. The Somali originated from Abyssinian cats and its main treasure is its luxurious tail, collar and pant legs.

Turkish Angora

long hair white cat

One of the oldest cat breeds has survived thanks to the timely involvement of the Turkish authorities. They started to cultivate the breed in zoos, saving the disappearing population of Angora. American breeders once took several luxurious representatives out of Ankara. But even today, the real Turkish Angora is very highly valued.

Turkish Van

turkish van

If you see a Turkish Van, shake his paw. Thanks to this cat, Noah reached the land. The representative of this breed defeated a rodent that was gnawing a hole in the ark. According to the legend, Noah’s cat was given a divine mark for that, a “fingerprint” in the left shoulder area. Van’s wool is similar to cashmere and very easy to care for.

Long-haired cats care

But not all breeds of long-haired cats are as problem-free as Turkish Vans. Most fluffy cats require the most thorough care. Experts recommend to accustom kittens to such care from the first days of their arrival to your house.

So, write it down – a long-haired cat’s grooming bag should consists of:

  • three types of brushes: short and fine-toothed, medium-toothed, long and fine-toothed + natural bristle brush;
  • hair care products: anti-collision spray, talcum powder, conditioner.

All of these are the bare minimum to make grooming easier.

How to comb out a long-haired cat:

  • untangle the tangles;
  • comb gently with a sparse-toothed brush;
  • do the same with a fine-toothed comb;
  • and repeat the procedure with a natural bristle brush.

Remember, fiber, fresh herbs, and special foods will help your long-haired pet get the hair out of its stomach.

People say, Leonardo da Vinci once acknowledged, “Even the smallest of the felines is perfection.” And long haired cat breeds are fluffy perfection!

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