Cat Behavior Explained: Why Does a Cat Do This…?

Cat behavior surprises us, amuses us, and confuses us. Cat habits are so interesting and unusual that we want to understand their nature. Why does a cat do this? This is a question that all owners of purring pets have repeatedly asked themselves.

Let’s try to understand the nature of cats’ habits and behavior. By deciphering cat language, you can get to know and understand your cat better.

So. Why does a cat do certain things and what does it mean? All answers are in cat habits.

We gathered a compleme list of most common feline habits with explanations. Read on for details.

The main cat cabit: stomping you with his paws

cat behavior explained

When the cat comes in and starts massaging you with its paws, it shows its love and care of you. At this moment, the cat may roll its eyes, purr, and even drool. In general, this is the explanation of why the cat stomps on you with its paws.

At such moments, the cat feels most comfortable and safe – as under the barrel of the mother cat. When kittens feel the cat’s nipple, they begin to move the space near the nipple with their paws, thus stimulating the flow of milk, eating and enjoying themselves.

So, when your adult pet starts massaging you with his paws, don’t chase him away, but respond with mutual affection with gratitude. The main thing is to trim its claws in time so that the massage brought pleasure, not scratches.

Why does it purr?

It is not scientifically proven how cats make these strange sounds. However, it is known that the presence of these sounds and their intensity directly depend on the psycho-emotional state of the animal.

The deep humming sound that cats make in the arms of people is surely an expression of love and devotion. Only a calm and peaceful animal can make such sounds.

Some cats purr to soothe themselves after a stressful experience. It is a kind of feline meditation. All pets do the same before going to sleep. Fluctuating movements relax the cat and help it to disconnect from external distractions.

Cats can purr to tell their owner:

  • how much they miss you,
  • that they want to eat something yummy;
  • thank you for something.

Some felinologists believe that with these sounds and that behavior, the cat is telling the human that he (the owner) can feel safe around the pet. Similarly, the mother cat communicates with her kittens, and the kittens tell her that they are full and happy.

Licking your hands

Cats like licking their owner’s hands. There are several reasons for this cat behavior:

  1. The human body gives off heat – this attracts heat-loving cats. For the same reason cats lie down on the sore spot – it’s warmer.
  2. This is how cats express their love. Close to a human, the animal feels peace and comfort. By licking its hands, the cat wants to express that to the person.
  3. Persistent licking could be a signal of a problem. The cat may be in pain or have parasites.
  4. Lack of attention and boredom is another reason why cats lick their owner’s hands. This is how they want to attract his interest.
  5. Reaction to strange smells can be manifested by licking. The cat tries to lick someone else’s scent of the owner’s hands.

Brings his toys to the eating place and dips them into a bowl

That’s how cats carry their favorite things to safety.

The wild relatives of our cats bring their prey to their “nesting place” to keep them safe from other predators. And the place of eating is considered by domestic cats to be one of the safest places in their territory.

Bites when you pet it

cat behaviors explained

Sometimes, just as you pet your cat, he may hiss, get angry, or even bite you for no reason. This doesn’t mean your cat has fallen out of love with you or has gone crazy.

Zoo Psychologists identify several reasons for this unpleasant cat habit:

  • Cats are their own lords, and only they decide how long you can pet them. While cats of some breeds are ready to lie crumbs under your caresses for hours, others are ready to tolerate your love for a few minutes and no more!
  • Something is hurting the cat. If the cat bites after touching one part of the body, the source of the pain may be located there. Show your cat to the veterinarian.
  • If a cat first licks and then bites, it is a manifestation of love for humans. In the wild, cats bite each other during their courtship.
  • Bites can mean boredom. This is how cats try to diversify their lives. To keep your pets from getting bored, buy them more toys.

There is another common reason. Cats who are used to playing with your hands will bite you. The owners themselves are to blame for this. It is unacceptable to play with a pet using your hands. There are many cat toys for this purpose.

Chews plastic bags

There is no unequivocal opinion that can explain this. There are suggestions that cats are attracted to smells that humans sense slightly or do not feel at all. Also, cats may be attracted to the structure and taste of the material. There is also a theory that cats suffering from a certain kind of neurosis calm down and treat themselves when they chew or lick cellophane.

Actively playing at night

In the wild, the most successful time for hunting is at night. And, if your pet becomes active in the dark time of the day, it is due to his instincts.

The second reason for a cat to be hyperactive at night may be the absence of the owners at home. During the day your cat sleeps, but in the evening and at night he is full of energy to play. Try to give your pet time after work, buy more toys or get him a friend.

Burying its food

There are several options for this habit of cats:

  • your pet doesn’t like the bowl, doesn’t like its feeding place;
  • the cat doesn’t like the food you offer him;
  • cat is not hungry and “leaves” food for later, as an emergency reserve.

But, the most probable reason for this behavior is ancient instincts. Animals in the wild are always hiding their prey so that other predators won’t find it. This is how they protect their habitat and save food for a bad day.

Drinks tap water

weird cat habits explained

Water flowing from the tap attracts cats with its sight and sound. Also remember that our pets are much smarter than we think and if a cat is not satisfied with the quality of water in its drinker it will look for another source. So make sure your pet always has fresh water.

The quality of water is also affected by the material from which the bowl is made. Even if outwardly the liquid looks clean and clear, you can argue about the freshness, because the bacteria in the water multiply very actively, especially in ceramic and plastic bowls.

It is best to use stainless steel bowls for water. The bowl should be cleaned every day, as well as the water should be changed. Water loses oxygen very quickly and cats know this. That is why they can only drink water flowing from the tap.


Don’t want your cat to drink tap water? Get her a special fountain drinker!

Rubs owner’s feet or shoes

This behavior of cats indicates a deep affection for you. Cats have glands located all over their bodies and on their heads and necks. These glands secrete a special scent that is elusive to the human smell, but other animals can sense it.

The cat marks you with its scent and sort of hints to other animals that you are its own. Cats also rub their owners’ feet and shoes when they want to block other people’s odors.


For the same purpose, cats rub furniture, walls, and corners.

Bites your legs

strange cat habit explained

Such behaviors of domestic cats usually mean that your pet is bored. The cat is trying to get its owner’s attention, and also, practice hunting skills. ” The inner hunting temperament stimulates the cat to attack, especially if the animal doesn’t have enough toys, space, and objects to play actively.


The cat isn’t trying to hurt you and probably doesn’t even know you’re feeling pain.

Grabs outside the litter box

It is quite possible that the animal is reacting negatively to the litter, the litter tray itself, or the location of the litter tray. Changes in stool pattern, scent of feces may also stimulate such unfamiliar behavior of your pet.

Meows loudly

There are some cats that, like humans, are lovers of talking – meow. If your pet starts to meow loudly on a regular basis, you should first take him to the vet for a checkup, in case this anxiety is related to a health problem.

If the vet hasn’t found any abnormalities, the cat’s loud meowing is an effort to get your attention. Maybe your pet is hungry, maybe the litter box needs cleaning, or maybe he’s lonely and bored. Don’t forget, cats feel the same emotions as humans. Try to look at it not through your own eyes, but through the eyes of your pet.

Brings the catch

Cats often scare their owners by bringing them dead mice, rats, and strangled birds. There is no need to be frightened, you should thank the animal – it’s a gift! Cats are predators and hunters. Bringing their prey to you, they show their care. This is a sign of love!

Lies down on her back and exposes her tummy

This is a feline behavior everyone has encountered. You walk up to your cat and it immediately falls on its back and exposes its tummy, kicking its legs up. What’s up? This is a sign of trust. Cats are completely defenseless in this position. A cat shows you how calm, relaxed and contented he is. Appreciate it!

Lies down on your belly

Many cats like to sleep on their owner’s belly. The explanation for this is quite prosaic – it’s the cat’s way of trying to keep warm. The stomach is soft and warm. Particular attention is paid by pets to the bellies of pregnant women. The body temperature of the mistress, who is waiting for a baby, is several degrees higher.

Shakes the tail

A cat’s tail is an organ of communication. If you learn to read its movements, you can understand what your cat wants to tell you.

  • If the pet purrs and the very tip of its tail twitches slightly, it indicates its satisfaction.
  • If the tail movements are nervous and horizontal, the cat is irritated and preparing to attack. This is how an animal behaves when hunting.
  • When doubting, the cat may shake its tail, making erratic movements in different directions.
  • The cat’s curiosity is shown by the even, calm movements of the tail.
  • Whacking on the floor is a signal to humans that the cat has had enough of petting or playing. You must stop it!
  • Pain and stress can be expressed through frequent movements of the tail.

Rides on its butt

Despite the fact that such kitty behavior looks comical, its cause may be serious and not funny at all.

Cats ride on their asses when they feel itching in the anus area. They can’t scratch themselves in this area, so they use this method to get out of the situation.

The reason for itching can be parasites (most often), sticking hair, fecal matter residues, a strange object in the anus (a piece of cellophane, a thread), and blockage of anal glands. In all cases, the cat needs help from the owner. And in some cases it needs a veterinarian.

Sucking a blanket

The most common reason for this strange domestic cat behavior is the sucking reflex not fully realized in infancy. This is what kittens do when they are weaned too early.

The second common reason is self-calming. With such sucking movements, cats try to relieve stress and reassure themselves. Sometimes cats choose their owner’s sweater sleeves or other knitted things made of wool instead of the blanket.

Chews grass and other plants

Sometimes cats do this to clean the stomach of accumulated hair – there’s nothing wrong with that. But, it’s better to get special malt paste for your cat or plant cat grass. There are so many dangerous poisonous plants around!

Sometimes the pet is trying to calm down or get your attention this way. Be aware of your pet’s psychological state!

Sleeping on a laptop or PC keyboard

It’s simple – cats like to sleep. They like to fall asleep in the most unexpected places. They like to be close to their owner. And if you sit at your keyboard all day, where else is it going to sleep to get your attention? Plus, the laptop gets hot, and cats like to sleep in warm places.


I hope you liked the behaviors of the cats list and will share it with your cat lovers’ friends.

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Cat Behavior Explained: Why Does a Cat Do This…?

Cat behavior surprises us, amuses us, and confuses us. Cat habits are so interesting and unusual that we want to understand their nature. Why does a cat do this? This is a question that all owners of purring pets have repeatedly asked themselves.

Let’s try to understand the nature of cats’ habits and behavior. By deciphering cat language, you can get to know and understand your cat better.

So. Why does a cat do certain things and what does it mean? All answers are in cat habits.

We gathered a compleme list of most common feline habits with explanations. Read on for details.

The main cat cabit: stomping you with his paws

cat behavior explained

When the cat comes in and starts massaging you with its paws, it shows its love and care of you. At this moment, the cat may roll its eyes, purr, and even drool. In general, this is the explanation of why the cat stomps on you with its paws.

At such moments, the cat feels most comfortable and safe – as under the barrel of the mother cat. When kittens feel the cat’s nipple, they begin to move the space near the nipple with their paws, thus stimulating the flow of milk, eating and enjoying themselves.

So, when your adult pet starts massaging you with his paws, don’t chase him away, but respond with mutual affection with gratitude. The main thing is to trim its claws in time so that the massage brought pleasure, not scratches.

Why does it purr?

It is not scientifically proven how cats make these strange sounds. However, it is known that the presence of these sounds and their intensity directly depend on the psycho-emotional state of the animal.

The deep humming sound that cats make in the arms of people is surely an expression of love and devotion. Only a calm and peaceful animal can make such sounds.

Some cats purr to soothe themselves after a stressful experience. It is a kind of feline meditation. All pets do the same before going to sleep. Fluctuating movements relax the cat and help it to disconnect from external distractions.

Cats can purr to tell their owner:

  • how much they miss you,
  • that they want to eat something yummy;
  • thank you for something.

Some felinologists believe that with these sounds and that behavior, the cat is telling the human that he (the owner) can feel safe around the pet. Similarly, the mother cat communicates with her kittens, and the kittens tell her that they are full and happy.

Licking your hands

Cats like licking their owner’s hands. There are several reasons for this cat behavior:

  1. The human body gives off heat – this attracts heat-loving cats. For the same reason cats lie down on the sore spot – it’s warmer.
  2. This is how cats express their love. Close to a human, the animal feels peace and comfort. By licking its hands, the cat wants to express that to the person.
  3. Persistent licking could be a signal of a problem. The cat may be in pain or have parasites.
  4. Lack of attention and boredom is another reason why cats lick their owner’s hands. This is how they want to attract his interest.
  5. Reaction to strange smells can be manifested by licking. The cat tries to lick someone else’s scent of the owner’s hands.

Brings his toys to the eating place and dips them into a bowl

That’s how cats carry their favorite things to safety.

The wild relatives of our cats bring their prey to their “nesting place” to keep them safe from other predators. And the place of eating is considered by domestic cats to be one of the safest places in their territory.

Bites when you pet it

cat behaviors explained

Sometimes, just as you pet your cat, he may hiss, get angry, or even bite you for no reason. This doesn’t mean your cat has fallen out of love with you or has gone crazy.

Zoo Psychologists identify several reasons for this unpleasant cat habit:

  • Cats are their own lords, and only they decide how long you can pet them. While cats of some breeds are ready to lie crumbs under your caresses for hours, others are ready to tolerate your love for a few minutes and no more!
  • Something is hurting the cat. If the cat bites after touching one part of the body, the source of the pain may be located there. Show your cat to the veterinarian.
  • If a cat first licks and then bites, it is a manifestation of love for humans. In the wild, cats bite each other during their courtship.
  • Bites can mean boredom. This is how cats try to diversify their lives. To keep your pets from getting bored, buy them more toys.

There is another common reason. Cats who are used to playing with your hands will bite you. The owners themselves are to blame for this. It is unacceptable to play with a pet using your hands. There are many cat toys for this purpose.

Chews plastic bags

There is no unequivocal opinion that can explain this. There are suggestions that cats are attracted to smells that humans sense slightly or do not feel at all. Also, cats may be attracted to the structure and taste of the material. There is also a theory that cats suffering from a certain kind of neurosis calm down and treat themselves when they chew or lick cellophane.

Actively playing at night

In the wild, the most successful time for hunting is at night. And, if your pet becomes active in the dark time of the day, it is due to his instincts.

The second reason for a cat to be hyperactive at night may be the absence of the owners at home. During the day your cat sleeps, but in the evening and at night he is full of energy to play. Try to give your pet time after work, buy more toys or get him a friend.

Burying its food

There are several options for this habit of cats:

  • your pet doesn’t like the bowl, doesn’t like its feeding place;
  • the cat doesn’t like the food you offer him;
  • cat is not hungry and “leaves” food for later, as an emergency reserve.

But, the most probable reason for this behavior is ancient instincts. Animals in the wild are always hiding their prey so that other predators won’t find it. This is how they protect their habitat and save food for a bad day.

Drinks tap water

weird cat habits explained

Water flowing from the tap attracts cats with its sight and sound. Also remember that our pets are much smarter than we think and if a cat is not satisfied with the quality of water in its drinker it will look for another source. So make sure your pet always has fresh water.

The quality of water is also affected by the material from which the bowl is made. Even if outwardly the liquid looks clean and clear, you can argue about the freshness, because the bacteria in the water multiply very actively, especially in ceramic and plastic bowls.

It is best to use stainless steel bowls for water. The bowl should be cleaned every day, as well as the water should be changed. Water loses oxygen very quickly and cats know this. That is why they can only drink water flowing from the tap.


Don’t want your cat to drink tap water? Get her a special fountain drinker!

Rubs owner’s feet or shoes

This behavior of cats indicates a deep affection for you. Cats have glands located all over their bodies and on their heads and necks. These glands secrete a special scent that is elusive to the human smell, but other animals can sense it.

The cat marks you with its scent and sort of hints to other animals that you are its own. Cats also rub their owners’ feet and shoes when they want to block other people’s odors.


For the same purpose, cats rub furniture, walls, and corners.

Bites your legs

strange cat habit explained

Such behaviors of domestic cats usually mean that your pet is bored. The cat is trying to get its owner’s attention, and also, practice hunting skills. ” The inner hunting temperament stimulates the cat to attack, especially if the animal doesn’t have enough toys, space, and objects to play actively.


The cat isn’t trying to hurt you and probably doesn’t even know you’re feeling pain.

Grabs outside the litter box

It is quite possible that the animal is reacting negatively to the litter, the litter tray itself, or the location of the litter tray. Changes in stool pattern, scent of feces may also stimulate such unfamiliar behavior of your pet.

Meows loudly

There are some cats that, like humans, are lovers of talking – meow. If your pet starts to meow loudly on a regular basis, you should first take him to the vet for a checkup, in case this anxiety is related to a health problem.

If the vet hasn’t found any abnormalities, the cat’s loud meowing is an effort to get your attention. Maybe your pet is hungry, maybe the litter box needs cleaning, or maybe he’s lonely and bored. Don’t forget, cats feel the same emotions as humans. Try to look at it not through your own eyes, but through the eyes of your pet.

Brings the catch

Cats often scare their owners by bringing them dead mice, rats, and strangled birds. There is no need to be frightened, you should thank the animal – it’s a gift! Cats are predators and hunters. Bringing their prey to you, they show their care. This is a sign of love!

Lies down on her back and exposes her tummy

This is a feline behavior everyone has encountered. You walk up to your cat and it immediately falls on its back and exposes its tummy, kicking its legs up. What’s up? This is a sign of trust. Cats are completely defenseless in this position. A cat shows you how calm, relaxed and contented he is. Appreciate it!

Lies down on your belly

Many cats like to sleep on their owner’s belly. The explanation for this is quite prosaic – it’s the cat’s way of trying to keep warm. The stomach is soft and warm. Particular attention is paid by pets to the bellies of pregnant women. The body temperature of the mistress, who is waiting for a baby, is several degrees higher.

Shakes the tail

A cat’s tail is an organ of communication. If you learn to read its movements, you can understand what your cat wants to tell you.

  • If the pet purrs and the very tip of its tail twitches slightly, it indicates its satisfaction.
  • If the tail movements are nervous and horizontal, the cat is irritated and preparing to attack. This is how an animal behaves when hunting.
  • When doubting, the cat may shake its tail, making erratic movements in different directions.
  • The cat’s curiosity is shown by the even, calm movements of the tail.
  • Whacking on the floor is a signal to humans that the cat has had enough of petting or playing. You must stop it!
  • Pain and stress can be expressed through frequent movements of the tail.

Rides on its butt

Despite the fact that such kitty behavior looks comical, its cause may be serious and not funny at all.

Cats ride on their asses when they feel itching in the anus area. They can’t scratch themselves in this area, so they use this method to get out of the situation.

The reason for itching can be parasites (most often), sticking hair, fecal matter residues, a strange object in the anus (a piece of cellophane, a thread), and blockage of anal glands. In all cases, the cat needs help from the owner. And in some cases it needs a veterinarian.

Sucking a blanket

The most common reason for this strange domestic cat behavior is the sucking reflex not fully realized in infancy. This is what kittens do when they are weaned too early.

The second common reason is self-calming. With such sucking movements, cats try to relieve stress and reassure themselves. Sometimes cats choose their owner’s sweater sleeves or other knitted things made of wool instead of the blanket.

Chews grass and other plants

Sometimes cats do this to clean the stomach of accumulated hair – there’s nothing wrong with that. But, it’s better to get special malt paste for your cat or plant cat grass. There are so many dangerous poisonous plants around!

Sometimes the pet is trying to calm down or get your attention this way. Be aware of your pet’s psychological state!

Sleeping on a laptop or PC keyboard

It’s simple – cats like to sleep. They like to fall asleep in the most unexpected places. They like to be close to their owner. And if you sit at your keyboard all day, where else is it going to sleep to get your attention? Plus, the laptop gets hot, and cats like to sleep in warm places.


I hope you liked the behaviors of the cats list and will share it with your cat lovers’ friends.

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