There are many different breeds of cats around the world, so interest in the feline family is increasing every day. Many breeds have been around for a long time.
There are some cats whose names you have never encountered. Let’s get acquainted with the 10 rarest cat breeds, learn their features and costs.
The rarest cat breed in the World
The World’s rarest cat is the American Wirehair.
This distant relative of the American Shorthair cat is not as common as its progenitor, which is in the top of “most popular cats”. There are only a few dozen purebreds of this breed in the world. Almost all of them live in the United States.
From the American Shorthair these cats differ by the coat structure. These pets’ hair are very stiff, resembling wire or sandpaper.
Active and playful pets are strongly attached to their owner. They suffer in separation, poorly tolerate loneliness. Breeding such a cat, you will have to take care of the company for it. These cats easily find a common language with their own kind, also with dogs and rodents.
These cats typically cost between $800–$1200 from a breeder.
Rare Cat Breeds: Top 10 List
- American Wirehair
- Lykoi
- Burmilla
- California Spangled
- Dwelf
- Nebelung
- Khao Manee
- Serengeti
- Singapura
- Sokoke
A rare house cat breed with a unique exterior has a truly terrifying appearance. Cats that look like werewolves are included in the ratings of the scariest cats. The intimidating appearance of these animals is given by the uneven coat. From the outside, it looks as if the cats are sick and have wool in shreds.
This rare breed is the result of a natural mutation. The first partially bald kittens appeared in 2010 in the United States (Virginia). They were carriers of the recessive gene that caused such an interesting mutation. Subsequently, work was done to fix this trait, and in 2012 the Lykoi breed was included in the TICA standards.
Cats of this breed are known for their advanced intelligence, impeccable hunting characteristics, and a keen sense of territoriality. They faithfully protect their owners from strangers and dogs. It is not recommended to have these pets in houses where other domestic animals live. The peculiar fur needs careful care. Lykois sweat a lot and need to be wiped with a damp cloth or tampon.
Lykoi kittens cost somewhere between $1500 to $2500.
It is believed that the beautiful exotic breed is the result of an accidental mating of a purple Burmese cat and a Persian chinchilla-colored cat. The first kittens of unusual appearance were born in 1981, three years later the first breed standard was registered. The new breed inherited the type of appearance from the Burmese cat, while the chinchilla cat diversified the color of the Burmilla.
Cats of this rare breed are sociable, friendly and attached to their owners. Hardly tolerate a change of owner and moving. Gentle and affectionate pets are not annoying, but they want to be near their owners all the time. Burmillas cannot be left alone for long periods of time, they suffer when separated, may become ill.
The Burmilla are rare cats, and they are not easy to find. Because of their rareness and complicated four-generation breeding process, Burmilla kittens typically cost between $800–$1200 from a reputable breeder.
California Spangled
These rare domestic cats are the result of painstaking selection work. Breeders crossed different cat breeds for more than 10 years to achieve the desired result. Breeders wanted a cat that would look like a leopard. The result of this work was the emergence of a new breed – the Californian Spangled.
Exotic Californians are incredibly energetic, playful and friendly. They need a lot of time and space to realize their natural activity. Owners must accept the fact that cats will stick their nose wherever they can, hunt, climb and jump. To prevent this activity from becoming destructive, you need to take care of a multi-level play complex for the cat.
The California Spangled is a breed of domestic cat that was bred to resemble spotted wild cats, like the ocelot and leopard. They were usually expensive, priced between $800 and $2500 USD.
The rare domestic cat breed was the result of crossing three different breeds: the American Curl, the Canadian Sphynx and the Munchkin. The result of this selection is a cat with an original appearance, which at first glance seems repulsive. The totally bald, miniature breed has huge bent ears, a massive neck, a small wedge-shaped head, large slanted eyes and short paws.
Small hairless animals don’t tolerate temperature changes well and are very heat-loving. Owners will have to take care of clothing for home and walks, constantly monitor the indoor climate, and prevent drafts. Delicate cat skin needs careful treatment, wiping regularly with wet wipes to remove sweat, grease and dirt.
While the price varies on Dwelf cats depending on the breeder, the range is anywhere from $2000 to $3000.
An exotic rare house cat breed with an unusual name is externally reminiscent of the Russian Blue Cat breed. The main difference between this American breed and the Russian blue cat is the long silky coat. The coat color of both breeds has a beautiful blue tone.
A luxurious coat is both the pride of the cat and the headache of the owner. Such a coat must be cared for regularly, competently and thoroughly. The owner will have to comb out the hair to prevent the formation of tangles. Also, you must ensure that the pet is not exposed to direct sunlight. Ultraviolet light destroys the coloring pigment of the coat, the blue color in the sun becomes ugly with a rusty hue.
The price range for purchasing Nebelung kittens will be anywhere from $600 USD to $1200 USD.
Khao Manee
The breed is ancient, but quite rare. To have such a cat in the house is considered a great fortune. Its second name is Diamond Eye, the breed was given for the beautiful color of the iris. The eyes of these cats can be blue, green, amber and multicolored. Especially striking are snow-white pets with eyes of different colors.
Khao Manee are friendly, social animals. For a happy life, they vitally need companionship with their own kind. The owners of such a pet should take care of other pets with whom kittens will spend time. Cats have problems with loneliness, without company they become depressed and aggressive.
Khao Manee kitten from a reputable breeder can set you back somewhere between $7000–$11000.
This breed is worthy of being in the top “rarest cats” – not many people know it. The cat is big (up to 22 lb), but incredibly beautiful and graceful. In the veins of the Serengeti flows blood of several breeds, but the grace and wild African agility they inherited from the Bengal cats.
To keep big cats, you need space. A country house with its own yard for walking is an ideal place for these pets.
Serengeti cats cost between $600 – $2000.
This small and rare breed of cats is among the smallest breeds. The weight of adult animals does not exceed 4-6 lb. Singapura is a rare cat, it is not commonly met. The main distinctive feature of these pets is the shiny coat. Light at the base the hairs darken to the tips, so you get an unusual glowing effect. Big yellow or green eyes slightly rolled up, that’s why cat’s face always looks surprised and puzzled.
Singapore cats till their old age remain kittens, they are friendly and playful. Animals are cautious and fearful, they can’t stand noises, loud talks and quarrels. Cats do not like to be alone, owners will have to take care of company for these exotic pets.
Singapuras are relatively rare, and a Singapura kitten from a breeder can cost between $800–$2000.
This rare breed of cats with the unusual name was not bred by breeders, but by nature itself. The homeland of the Sokoke is Kenya. Descendants of wild African cats retained a beautiful tiked coat color of various brown tabby shades. Animals are incredibly active, they like to get into hard-to-reach places and are noted for their increased talkativeness. This breed will not suit inactive people.
Cats of this breed will always find something to occupy themselves, they will not obsessively demand attention from humans. But Sokoke quickly and strongly become attached to the owners and other pets with whom they live in one house. They hardly tolerate a change of scenery and separation from their people.
Sokoke cats cost between $500 – $2000.
What rare cat breeds are your favorite? Share your thoughts down below in the comments.